Instructions for Using PayPal
To use PayPal with your credit card -Choose your menu item by adding quantity on each item. Then add to cart. This will take you to your cart. Either Continue Shopping or checkout.
At check out -fill in information or check that your purchaser information is correct. At "Security code/place order"-check the little white box. A number will popup- enter that number in the yellow box(required). Then hit the place order button on the right side. This will take you to an order confirmation page. You have not finished your transaction at this point. You must scroll down to the "BUY NOW" button and click. If you do not do this your transaction will not be completed. If you skip this step you will still get an email - but only confirming that you placed an order. If you completed your transaction your receipt will say "Invoice amount due $0.00 " So please look at your receipt to make sure the transaction amount is correct and completed. If you have made an error (too many items etc)- please email the Corresponding Secretary.
You may also pay for any of the applications and meetings using the QR Code with the PayPal application. You must have the PayPal App on your device. Just scan the code from the app and the name of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas will come up. Just input the amount for what you are purchasing. Then in the notes if your user profile is not your name - type in your name.
Listings: 1 to 2 of 2
To pay with PayPal and your credit card - follow the instructions above.
Supplemental Application
To pay in your PayPal App - scan the QR code- follow the prompts - add the amount $170.00- then in note- specify for Supplemental Application. (Ignore the out of stock - it doesn't apply when scanning the QR code.)