Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas

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Donate to one or more of the following Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas funds. Funds are listed in alphabetical order and do not reflect the need or order of importance. 
Your gift helps to support the Society and further the memory and mission of our Pilgrim ancestors.
All gifts and donations made to the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas are tax deductible under the 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Code.
The General Fund: Your donation will help support the SMDSKS General Operating Fund. Your gift will be used in the area of greatest need of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Kansas.
The Life Membership Fund: Life members your donation will help support the Life Membership Fund of the Society. 
​The Sayler-Barbour Scholarship Fund:  Your donation to the Scholarship Fund will help grow the Society's perpetual Sayler-Barbour Scholarship Trust Fund increasing the amount available for scholarships to qualified candidates.
The Mayflower Meetinghouse in Plymouth : Governor Lisa Pennington's project for her term is the renovation of the Mayflower Meetinghouse in Plymouth MA. There is an additional $14,000,000 needed to finish this project. Our Kansas Society will be presenting her a check for the Meetinghouse Renovation Project when she visits our Society on April 27, 2025 in Wichita, KSYour donation will help support 400 years of History. The Mayflower Meetinghouse is the oldest, continuous church and organization of any kind in the U.S. It is the centerpiece of Plymouth's historic town square, overlooking Leyden Street where the Pilgrims settled. Dedicated as the National Memorial Pilgrim Church, the mythic images of the Pilgrims are vividly captured in stained glass windows including a signed Louis Comfort Tiffinay window, portraying the signing of the Mayflower Compact. A church that celebrates the Pilgrim epic through its stone and glass. Symbolically preserving this story for future generations. To save the building, the First Parish Church congregation, former owners of the Mayflower Meetinghouse, agreed to donate it to The Mayflower Society upon the condition that funds be put in place to permanently maintain it, and that they be allowed to continue scheduling their services there. Our decision to restore the building and create a fund to support this beautiful structure and its records will be one of the most important legacies of the Mayflower Society. There is no group better to do this than the actual descendants of the Mayflower Pilgrims!
To learn more about the Mayflower Meetinghouse project The General Society has created a Youtube video showing their vision for the future restoration of the house. The historic Plymouth Landmark is located at the top of Leyden street, on the same location where the Pilgrims placed their first meetinghouse in 1621.
You may donate to any of the above Funds by scanning the QR code below in your Paypal App- at the prompts simply enter the amount you wish to donate. And add a note for which fund you would like to designate. Or you may click on the tab on the left side of this page for the specific Fund.
Or you may donate using Paypal with your credit card.
Instructions for using PayPal:
Complete your donation in just a few clicks. Select the fund you wish to donate to - from the tabs on the left of this page.
Enter the amount you wish to donate- then click on the black button “Submit” at the bottom of the page. This will take you to “Review and Confirm”. At the bottom of the page- click on the small white box- a code will pop up – input that number in the larger white box- then click on the black box “Confirm and Pay” – this will take you to your confirmation number. You are not done yet! You must click on the yellow donate button. An email will be sent to you. “Receipt for your donations” will be in your email to confirm your amount and your transaction number. If you have any questions or concerns contact the Corresponding Secretary.